
I will serve thee with Honor!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

cold week 4/28/2016

well its getting cold here and i like it when its cold but nobody opens there doors to us but oh well we are teaching so thats good ha we were at someones house and their neighbor was yelling and we were outside and the people we were talking to were making fun of the lady that was yelling because they are friends but the neighbor looks at us and then says look and the faggot in there so we look and their dog did something but it was so funny haha also one night we were walking in the street and some guy runs across the street and he is like 6 foot 5 and holds his arms out and grabs both of us i was like goodbye watch then he say gimme a hug so we hug him and then he says thank you thats all i needed then walks off haha my heart was pounding but it was funny and also this weekwe had a lesson with this one guy that is solid and starting reading the book of Mormon from the start without us telling him to, anyways we were on our way and my comp asked what day is it and i said Wednesday he then said ooo there is a game on tonight and when we got to the house we could tell the tv was on then we rang the doorbell and and it took a while but his wife came to the door and the tv was off she then said he is with his friend tonight and he said come on friday night haha we passed by latrer and saw the tv on hhaa stingy bugger, no im not sure if he was with his friend or watching the game in his house but it was funny and he loves his soccer anyways thats it for me this week   Elder Pitcher
His new shoes!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Doin Good 4/21/16

well another good week for me sorry but my email is gonna be short this week but anyways pday last week was way fun we played volleyball and soccer in the rain and its real rain here like it comes down crazy hard and we were soaked from head to toe it was so fun.
 Also this week someone gave us peanut butter im am beyond happy
for our lunch.
anyways this past week we went to a less actives house and he is very spiritual he stopped going because his wife was pregnant and having problems but he said he will start going again but he bought like 20 facturas which are like pastries like danish s' or something like that but they are amazing and i ate like 6 man i was stuffed then we went to another persons house that was baptized a month ago and they bought more facturas i only ate one this time haha but wow it was good and also we ate with a member yesterday and we helped cook the food and it was amazing food aww man i loved it, im struggling with our area because it is really cheto (classy) like every doorbell is a phone and they just say no every-time but i feel like i could walk down the street with $100's in my hands and not get robbed so thats how classy this area is and we live in the most dangerous part of our area and its not even dangerous like we arent even scared of our area but yah my comp is sick i freaking love him he is chill and a hard worker and we played baseball in the house last night with an umbrella it was fun haha but yah i love it here and im having a great time here love you all!
Elder Pitcher

Friday, April 15, 2016

doin good 4/15/16

anyways not to much news for the week we are struggling to find people to teach i dont know if they are lazy or what but i want to teach some people but yah we keep working hard and its getting colder here as well so we have been putting on coats or long sleeves every once in a while.
aslo this week we had 2 elders stay with us and one was like a 5 year old and at like 6 in the morning blasted my music ha we all yelled at him but he would blow his nose in our towels aww im glad they are gone now because they trashed our house so much but yah anyways how is everyone i want emails haha
also my spanish is getting better as well i can speak it better everyday, anyways this week we just contacted like all week and yesterday we had interviews witjh president and he is from chile and moved to tremonton when he was 15 so we talked about tremonton for a bit he said he loves that place haha anyways i dont have to much to say love you all and miss you all send pics and emails please!!!!!!!!
Elder Pitcher

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Aweson Video

This is a video that Lucy sent to us.  She does not realize how happy it made us.  Our family has watched it many times and just laugh!!!   We love Elder Pitcher and are soooo proud of him for his love of the gospel and his example to all us. 
Mike and Darlene

Another week in Argentina April 7, 2016

Well not a whole lot to say this week besides we just contacted our hearts out this week and only a few said to come back but conference was amazing i watched the first session in spanish and couldn't really understand because the satellite transmission was scratchy but yah the rest i watched in english and it was amazing to be able to watch and listen in english but yah i really like the idea of family council on sundays i think its a great thing to strengthen families and everything because they are under attack right now and the main focus in the church is eternal families and satan wants to destroy families but yah anyways my Spanish is getting alot better now with a latina comp and i can understand him good and we get along great and joke around alot and its fun we are just struggling to find people to teach right now because nobody wants to listen they are all so lazy and all of them say im catholic, i just look at them and think you havent been to church since you were baptized as a baby, i mean some go but you can tell the ones that dont haha read moroni 8 and it just attacks the baptizing babies thing haha
anyways i love when people lie to us about where they live lik last transfer we asked this kid where he lived and he was like on the corner of french and beruti which are 4 blocks apart and both east and west running streets, then we said thats not a place is there another adderess and he say yah the corner of jara and some other street and we were like k this is legit so we asked what house number and he said 5600 and we were like alright thats 6 blacks away from the corner so we left haha but it was so funny and an amazing scripture for the week is 
1 nephi 16:15
pday is on friday next week then back to normal after that
Elder Pitcher